Name: Charles Ombui Mogaru Mongi’na
Date of birth: 20, Feb, 1972
Place of birth: Nandi-Hills
Education: Masters in Education (Philosophy)
Masters in Theology (Sacred scriptures)
Masters in Philosophy
Profession: High school teacher (Ministery of Education, Government of Spain)
address: C/ Ciudad de Toledo number 12 ,1st IZda
Miranda de Ebro, CP 09200, Burgos, Spain.
Tfno: +34600313834.
Work experience
High school teacher in Spain from 2010
High school teacher in Kenya (Nandi-Hill and West Pokot)
Founder and first chairman of Kenya diaspora SACCO in Spain
founder and president of the Kenyan Association in Spain since 2017
Founder and director of AMOGARU coffee processing and export
Regional leader of VOX political party in Span
Founder and director of Nandi-Hills Soccer Academy.
Volunteer experience
Diocesan caritas in Spain
Red Cross in Spain
Help in Action, Spain
Married with two children