Family Organization for Empowerment FOREM is a Kenyan based organization registered with the NGOs Board under Section 10 of the NGO Act of 1992 that supports the youth, women and the needy Children in the community. The organization is managed by a team who are light-minded people. It was registered in 2014, after having been initiated about 15 years ago, purposed to serve God through youth, orphans, women and the needy in the community. The youth women and needy Children in the communities are the less privileged in a fast changing society, a society that has not indulge proper structure to benefit the women, youth, elderly and children in the community. The Organization has also expanded to a level required to meet set standards .
FOREM seeks to inspire people to take charge in order to create impact and contribute to a better Kenya. Our aim is to bring the youth and women together and to promote them to have their own projects.
We aim at touching lives with the love of God and putting a smile to the face of orphans, youth, women and elderly in our community.